11u Schedule & Results

Date Time Field Away Score Home
May 13th 6 4 Tsunami 20-0 Lightning
May 13th 8 4 Tornadoes PPD Rain Typhoons
May 13th 8 3 Cyclones PPD Rain Hurricanes
May 15th 8 2 Hurricanes 4-6 Tornadoes
May 15th 8 3 Typhoons 5-11 Quakes 
May 16th 6 3 Quakes 2-3 Tsunami
May 16th 8 3 Lightning 0-12 Cyclones
May 21st 8 3 Quakes 4-2 Cyclones
May 22nd 8 2 Lightning 3-8 Typhoons
May 22nd 8 3 Hurricanes 4-2 Tsunami
May 23rd 6 3 Typhoons 1-11 Hurricanes
May 23rd 8 3 Tornadoes 13-3 Lightning
May 27th 6 4 Tsunami PPD Rain Typhoons
May 27th 8 4 Hurricanes PPD Rain Lightning
May 27th 8 3 Cyclones PPD Rain Tornadoes
May 29th 8 3 Tornadoes 2-2 Tsunami
May 29th 8 2 Hurricanes 0-4 Quakes
May 31st 6 3 Typhoons 2-13 Cyclones
May 31st 8 3 Lightning 0-7 Quakes
June 3rd 6 4 Quakes 9-1 Typhoons
June 3rd 8 4 Tornadoes 7-0 Hurricanes
June 3rd 8 3 Lightning 2-10 Tsunami
June 5th 8 2 Hurricanes 0-7 Cyclones
June 5th 8 3 Typhoons 4-5 Tornadoes
June 6th 6 3 Cyclones PPD Rain Lightning
June 6th 8 3 Tsunami PPD Rain Quakes
June 10th 6 4 Typhoons 12-5 Lightning
June 10th 8 4 Quakes 8-1 Cyclones
June 10th 8 3 Tsunami 9-0 Hurricanes
June 12th 8 3 Lightning 0-13 Tornadoes
June 12th 8 2 Hurricanes 0-4 Typhoons
June 17th 6 4 Tsunami 2-8 Tornadoes
June 17th 8 4 Hurricanes 0-4 Quakes
June 17th 8 3 Cyclones 11-0 Typhoons
June 19th 8 2 Tornadoes PPD Heat Cyclones
June 19th 8 3 Hurricanes PPD Heat Quakes
June 20th 6 3 Typhoons PPD Rain Tsunami
June 20th 8 3 Quakes PPD Rain Hurricanes
June 24th 6 4 Tsunami 6-3 Quakes
June 24th 8 4 Tornadoes 7-0 Typhoons
June 24th 8 3 Cyclones 5-2 Hurricanes
June 26th 8 2 Quakes PPD Rain Tsunami
June 26th 8 3 Typhoons PPD Rain Cyclones
June 27th 6 3 Hurricanes 1-2 Tornadoes
June 27th 8 3 Typhoons 0-5 Quakes
July 2nd 8 3 Quakes 1-0 Tornadoes
July 3rd 8 2 Typhoons PPD Rain Hurricanes
July 3rd 8 3 Tsunami PPD Rain Cyclones
July 4th 6 3 Tornadoes 1-10 Quakes
July 4th 8 2 Hurricanes 3-3 Tsunami
July 4th 8 3 Cyclones 4-0 Typhoons
July 8th 6 4 Cyclones 8-3 Hurricanes
July 8th 8 4 Tsunami 11-1 Typhoons
July 8th 8 3 Quakes 4-2 Hurricanes
July 10th 8 2 Tornadoes PPD Rain Cyclones
July 10th 8 3 Hurricanes PPD Rain Quakes
July 11th 6 3 Tornadoes PPD Rain Hurricanes
July 11th 8 3 Typhoons PPD Rain Cyclones
July 15th 6 4 Quakes PPD Rain Typhoons
July 15th 8 4 Tornadoes PPD Rain Hurricanes
July 15th 8 3 Cyclones PPD Rain Tsunami
July 17th 8 2 Hurricanes 2-1 Cyclones
July 17th 8 3 Typhoons 5-7 Tornadoes
July 18th 6 3 Cyclones 0-3 Tornadoes
July 18th 8 3 Tsunami 2-2 Quakes
July 22nd 6 4 Tsunami 6-2 Tornadoes
July 22nd 8 4 Cyclones 4-8 Hurricanes
July 22nd 8 3 Typhoons 5-4 Quakes
July 23rd 8 3 Hurricanes 3-5 Tsunami
July 23rd 8 2 Quakes 11-0 Cyclones
July 25th 8 3 Tsunami 12-4 Typhoons
July 25th 8 2 Hurricanes 5-4 Tornadoes
July 29th 6 4 Cyclones 5-6 Quakes
July 29th  8 4 Typhoons 5-4 Hurricanes
July 29th 8 3 Tsunami 9-8 Tornadoes
July 31st 8 2 Tsunami 8-4 Hurricanes
July 31st 8 3 Quakes 14-2 Typhoons
August 1st 6 3 Cyclones 2-5 Tsunami
August 1st 8 3 Tornadoes   Quakes
August 2nd 8 3 Cyclones   Tornadoes
August 8th 8 2 Cyclones   Tsunami
August 8th 8 3 Tornadoes   Hurricanes
August 12th 6 4 Hurricanes G1: 9-10 Tsunami
August 12th 8 4 Cyclones G2: 6-10 Quakes
August 12th 8 3 Tornadoes G3: 3-1 Typhoons
August 14th 8 2 Cyclones G4: 6-0 Typhoons
August 14th 8 3 Tornadoes Game 5 Hurricanes
August 15th 8 2 Cyclones Reg. Season Quakes
August 15th 6 3 Tsunami Game 6 Quakes
      Bracket A    
August 21st 8 2 Cyclones Game 7 Tsunami
August 21st 8 3 Quakes Game 8 Toranadoes
August 21st     Winner of 8   Receives a bye
August 22nd 6 2 Loser of 8 Game 9 Winner of 7
August 22nd 8 2 Winner of 9 Game 10 Winner of 8
August 23rd 8 3 If necessary Game 11 If necessary
      Bracket B    
August 21st 8 2 TBD Game 7 TBD
August 21st 8 3 TBD Game 8 TBD
August 21st     Winner of 6   Receives a bye
August 22nd 6 2 TBD Game 9 TBD
August 22nd 8 2 TBD Game 10 TBD
August 23rd 8 3 TBD Game 11 TBD

View - > House League Standings

11u Commissioner - Stephen Sebastyan

Director of House League - Chris Paige